
We turn knowledge into orientation



We shape successful change with you and support you in your change initiatives. From the development of new organizational structures to changed ways of thinking, we guide you into forward-looking transformation. Holistically, from classic changes to the integration of innovative trends – together we go hand in hand, always aligned with your needs.

Organizational development

From fundamental and rapid changes in the market to a change in corporate culture and working environment, companies are challenged in their ability to adapt. The dynamics of changes in markets, technologies and customer needs, driven among other things by thrusts such as digitalization and sustainability, require proactive action to ensure long-lasting success.

For a future-oriented organization, it is necessary to develop new forms of organizational structures and establish the necessary mindset for upcoming changes. Together with you, we identify the individual potentials in your company and help you realize a competitive and future-oriented alignment of your organization through a holistic approach.

The result: strengthened teams, efficient processes and a corporate structure that proactively embraces change.

Collaboration models

Change is not just a question of mindset and “why?”, but also “how?”: Often, established corporate structures are too tight to enable transformation. New business units, on the other hand, often lack clear guidelines for rapid action and sustainable success. Together, we develop structured collaboration models and processes that leave room for creativity and progress.

Our expertise is not limited to conventional changes. In the age of New Work, innovative forms of cooperation are indispensable. Whether virtual teams, remote collaboration, agile methods or hybrid approaches: Our approach promotes open communication, fluid knowledge exchange and individual development.

Through targeted transformation of processes and collaboration models, we lay the foundation for rapid adaptability and readiness for change in order to meet ever-changing requirements.

Project management and program control

We offer customized project management that relies on both proven and agile elements. Our proposed solutions are based on methodological and technical expertise as well as years of experience and relationships with the automotive and engineering industries. We offer pragmatic solutions that help you quickly and easily.

In addition to the classic project management activities, we also always address the technical issues in our projects and contribute our expertise. From the business assessment of new business models and change projects to the definition and follow-up of optimization measures in change projects, we meticulously get to the bottom of things.

In doing so, it is our philosophy to involve as well as empower the team through addressee-oriented communication. So you can benefit from our proven project management methods, not least through our KBC Academy.

Weibliche Person, braune lange Haare, grüne Augen, lächelnd, trägt eine gemusterte Bluse, dunkelblaue Hose und Blazer, stehend mit den Armen vor der Brust verschränkt
Weibliche Person, braune lange Haare, grüne Augen, lächelnd, trägt eine gemusterte Bluse, dunkelblaue Hose und Blazer, stehend mit den Armen vor der Brust verschränkt
Marion Mayer

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Project examples



Absolute identification with the specifics, concerns and problems of our customers distinguishes us as an excellent consultancy. We accept their challenges as if they were our own. Our examples for transformation projects speak for this.


The pursuit of knowledge is our drive

Our networked specialist knowledge results from a large number of successfully implemented projects. We also apply these solution approaches to other industries. Building on our methodical expertise, we have dealt with various current topics. Our perspective on these issues can be found in a number of professional articles and studies.