Project Example
Optimization of a software development process
In the course of strong growth, the software development team was confronted with considerable challenges that impaired the efficiency of the development process. Structured interviews and a 7S workshop were conducted to identify both the weaknesses and strengths of the current process. The aim was to recognize the need for action and its causes and to develop appropriate measures for optimization.

Among the challenges identified were the overload of the team due to high growth requirements and the insufficient measurability of the output of the development process. In order to increase transparency and predictability in the software development process, a fundamental optimization and reorganization was required.
Specific Task
The methodology included conducting interviews, conducting a 7S workshop and applying root cause analysis to get an accurate picture of the existing problems. Taking into account the current and planned activities, an implementation plan for the identified measures was developed with the aim of increasing efficiency in the software development process and meeting the company’s growth requirements.
KBC Solution Approach
15 specific action plans were drawn up, aimed at optimizing and reorganizing the software development team. In addition to measures to empower employees and improve planning and transparency in the development process, best-practice examples were presented in order to develop a state-of-the-art organizational design for the development organization. Our extensive experience in the field of process optimization played a key role in the success of this project.