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Remanufacturing Benchmark 2017

In a major exclusive study KBC and ReMaTec, the world largest Remanufacturing Network have uncovered what companies think about their work in the remanufacturing industry, from core handling to issues of quality.

Here are some of the findings summarized:

  • Central and Eastern Europe are crucial markets for the companies surveyed, with North America and Asia-Pacific regions also playing an important role. Europe remains the key market when it comes to remanufactured parts.
  • The automobil industry with passenger cars, light commercial vehicles and heavy trucks are among the key target industries – marine, aerospace and healthcare industries are seen as being increasingly important.
  • Their will be a diversity in the range of products– from air conditioning and braking to engines and transmissions in the future.
  • The Core logistics is still central, with about 70% of OEM/OES mainly procuring their cores from their own products or warranty returns. In addition to their own products, two-thirds use the parts of other manufacturers and procure from core/part dealers. Half of Tier-n companies focus on warranty returns.

We happily discuss the contents of the full survey upon request.


E-Mail: pr@kbc-consultants.loc

Männliche Person, graue Haare, blaue Augen, lächelnd mit Bart, trägt ein weißes Hemd, eine dunkelblauen Anzug, stehend mit beiden Händen in den Hosentaschen
Männliche Person, graue Haare, blaue Augen, lächelnd mit Bart, trägt ein weißes Hemd, eine dunkelblauen Anzug, stehend mit beiden Händen in den Hosentaschen
Felix Feuerbach
Senior Partner

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