
We turn knowledge into orientation

Project Example

Restructuring of an automotive supplier in insolvency proceedings

In a critical phase of insolvency, a well-known manufacturer of cast aluminum wheels was faced with the challenge of fundamentally restructuring its production processes. The aim was to increase efficiency and put the company back on a stable and competitive course.


The automotive supplier was confronted with considerable inefficiencies in its production. Overcapacity, high operating and maintenance costs, inefficient material flows and high reject rates were putting a strain on the company in addition to excess personnel capacity and declining sales figures.

Specific Task

It was necessary to develop a comprehensive restructuring concept for the entire production area. This was aimed at optimizing the existing infrastructure, reducing reject rates and increasing efficiency in the production processes.

KBC Solution Approach

A detailed restructuring concept was developed that focused on three main areas:

  • Optimization and efficient use of the existing infrastructure, machines and systems.
  • Reducing reject rates through technical measures and strengthening quality processes.
  • Increasing efficiency in production processes through new concepts and optimized value streams.
Männliche Person, blonde kurze Haare, blaue Augen, neutraler Gesichtsausdruck, trägt ein weißes Hemd, eine dunkelblaue Jacke und beige Hose, stehend mit beiden Händen in den Hosentaschen
Männliche Person, blonde kurze Haare, blaue Augen, neutraler Gesichtsausdruck, trägt ein weißes Hemd, eine dunkelblaue Jacke und beige Hose, stehend mit beiden Händen in den Hosentaschen
Jost von Trott zu Solz

Achieved Effect

The restructuring concept comprised 39 measures that identified annual savings potential of around 5 million euros.

By initiating 15 measures, immediate successes (quick wins) were realized. These measures made a significant contribution to making the company more efficient and competitive and putting it on the road to recovery.