
We turn knowledge into orientation

Project Example

Decarbonisation strategy for an energy-intensive medium-sized company

“In a world that is a long way from achieving the climate targets it needs, decarbonisation for energy-intensive companies is not only an environmental and social necessity, but also an economic challenge. This is to develop a clear and actionable strategy that both reduces current emissions and paves the way for future innovation.”


Our client, an energy-intensive medium-sized company, was faced with the challenge of becoming climate neutral in its Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 2045. The task was to highlight the uncertainties and opportunities for achieving the target through a technology and energy carrier selection, to identify potentials for innovation and to develop a coherent approach.

Specific Task

Achieving climate neutrality in Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 2045 required the development of a strategic roadmap with specific work packages and a timeline. A particular challenge was the consolidation and structuring of the existing data, which was characterised by manual processes, heterogeneous site technologies and data collection systems.

KBC Solution Approach

First, transparency was created by standardising the data collection and calculation basis. A modelling tool and dashboard were developed to simulate future reduction measures until the target is reached. A sensitivity analysis helped to identify potential savings. Site-specific reduction measures were then derived and modelled along different scenarios.

Männliche Person, braune kurze Haare, dunkelblaue Augen mit Brille, neutraler Gesichtsausdruck, trägt ein beiges T-Shirt und einen dunkelblauen Anzug, stehend mit beiden Händen in den Hosentaschen
Männliche Person, braune kurze Haare, dunkelblaue Augen mit Brille, neutraler Gesichtsausdruck, trägt ein beiges T-Shirt und einen dunkelblauen Anzug, stehend mit beiden Händen in den Hosentaschen
Tobias Seggewiß

Achieved Effect

The data landscape was aggregated and structured, minimising the susceptibility to errors. Based on this, location-specific adjusting screws were identified and an Excel tool including a dashboard was developed. The future reduction measures and strategic recommendations for action were developed and modelled for the client and a roadmap was created.