
We turn knowledge into orientation

Project Example

Task Force to Accelerate the Ramp-up of an HV Module Production Plant

For a renowned plant manufacturer, we took over the interim management of a task force to accelerate the delayed ramp-up of an HV module production plant and ensure timely handover to the customer. The challenge was to make up for significant delays and regain the customer’s trust.


The plant ramp-up was 12 weeks behind schedule, output reached only 20% of the target, and there was a lack of transparency and project management structures. This situation jeopardized the successful handover of the entire plant to the customer.

Specific Task

Our task included establishing a task force, introducing an error management process, developing a ramp-up curve, and implementing project standards and regular reporting. The goal was to increase plant output and ensure timely handover to the customer.

KBC Solution Approach

We introduced a daily error management process that extended from the shop floor to management. A measure-based ramp-up curve was used to forecast future plant output. We also established project standards, regular reporting, and a steering committee involving the customer.

Männliche Person, keine Haare, blaue Augen mit Brille, lächelnd, trägt ein weißes Hemd und dunkelblauen Anzug, stehend mit beiden Händen in den Hosentaschen
Männliche Person, keine Haare, blaue Augen mit Brille, lächelnd, trägt ein weißes Hemd und dunkelblauen Anzug, stehend mit beiden Händen in den Hosentaschen
Martin Betz

Achieved Effect

Through our measures, we were able to ensure timely handover to the customer and avoid potential penalties. Plant output was increased to the target level within a 3-day production period, representing an increase of approximately 200% compared to the project start. Weekly plant downtime was reduced by about 8,000 minutes. Additionally, we ensured daily and weekly transparency regarding the project status and relieved the task force set up by the customer.