
We turn knowledge into orientation

Project Example

Interim Management to Stabilize Production of a Foundry After Insolvency

Following a long insolvency phase and a change in ownership, a medium-sized foundry faced significant organizational, procedural, and technological challenges. High delivery backlogs due to low Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and outdated machinery urgently required rapid stabilization of business operations.


The foundry suffered from inadequate analog data collection and lack of optimization processes across the entire production. This led to considerable inefficiencies and losses in machines, tools, and fixtures. A comprehensive restructuring of production was urgently needed to stabilize business operations and restore competitiveness.

Specific Task

Our task was to immediately create transparency regarding plant data, production figures, and types of OEE losses. Based on this, the OEE was to be increased by reducing organizational, technical, and qualitative losses. At the same time, we were to increase efficiency in production control and production processes to reduce delivery backlogs and sustainably stabilize business operations.

KBC Solution Approach

We first established systematic collection and analysis of production data to create transparency about occurring types of losses and inefficiencies. Using this data, we prioritized action needs and derived fact-based optimization activities. Through targeted measures, we increased plant availability and efficiency in production control and processes. A special focus was on reducing technical, organizational, and qualitative production time losses to significantly increase OEE.

Männliche Person, keine Haare, blaue Augen mit Brille, lächelnd, trägt ein weißes Hemd und dunkelblauen Anzug, stehend mit beiden Händen in den Hosentaschen
Männliche Person, keine Haare, blaue Augen mit Brille, lächelnd, trägt ein weißes Hemd und dunkelblauen Anzug, stehend mit beiden Händen in den Hosentaschen
Martin Betz

Achieved Effect

Through our interim management, we achieved a 20% increase in OEE. We achieved 100% transparency on production data and were thus able to successfully reduce delivery backlogs. The implemented optimizations contributed significantly to the stabilization and sustainable improvement of business operations.