KBC honoured with the Top Consultant Award 2017!

KBC is a Top Consultant!
Kemény Boehme & Company GmbH (KBC) is one of the best mid-size company consultants in Germany / TOP CONSULTANT mentor Christian Wulff hands over the trophy.
KBC can call itself a Top Consultant 2017. The company provided impressive proof of its qualities in the scientifically substantiated customer survey conducted for TOP CONSULTANT’S consultancy comparison. During the festive award ceremony at the 4th German SME Summit in Essen, TOP CONSULTANT mentor and former Federal President Christian Wulff congratulated member of the KBC advisory board Dr Martin Boehme on this success.
TOP CONSULTANT has been selecting the best consultancies for small and mid-sized companies since 2010. This seal of approval significantly illuminates the professionalism and competence of its bearers. Mid-sized companies appreciate it as a reliable guide on the overheated consultancy market.
The scientific management of the project is in the hands of Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fink and Bianka Knoblach – they alone decide who may bear the seal of TOP CONSULTANT. Together, they head the WGMB (Scientific Society for Management and Consulting) in Bonn. On assignment of compamedia, the WGMB interviews the reference clients of participating consultancies and analyses the results together with additional company data. The TOP CONSULTANT seal is only awarded when a consultancy achieves excellent to good results.
KBC also underwent this procedure and convinced scientific management both in 2016 and in 2017. As market participants for the last 10 years, the Munich consultancy has made a name for itself, particularly in quality cost reduction, development process optimisation and supply chain management.
Whether a car, aircraft or train: problems with complex products from the mobility industry inevitably lead to high warranty costs. The fault lies somewhere between the OEM and the supply chain – which is precisely where the consultants come in. “To develop sustainable solutions, we need to understand a product in its entire development and production process,” says Stefan Kemény, managing partner of the consultancy. This can remove product errors and eliminate the causes of the error while optimising the value-adding chain. The consultants transfer whatever works in the mobility industry to other segments with complex products, such as mechanical engineering or medical technology. A detailed portrait of KBC can be found on their website under
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fink highlights the transparency provided by the seal: “The consultancy market has overheated and may occasionally bring forth dubious providers. TOP CONSULTANT distinguishes those consultancies who have provided demonstrably excellent work for their clients. The seal is therefore an important guide for mid-sized companies on a chaotic market.”
Image source: KD Busch/compamedia